Introduction: Severe iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is a problem that often presents to the pediatric emergency department (ED). Recently published ASH-ASPHO Choosing Wisely recommendations suggest avoidance of transfusion in hemodynamically stable, asymptomatic children with IDA 1. Little is known about the use of parenteral iron in this pediatric setting.

Methods: We undertook a retrospective review of patients with severe IDA treated in the pediatric ED at the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) from September 2017 to June 2021. During this period there were an estimated 75000 patients seen annually. Patients with severe IDA were defined as those presenting with hemoglobin (Hb) less than <70 g/L and low mean corpuscular volume.

Results: There were 56 patients that met this criterion with presenting Hb ranging from 17-69 g/L (IQR 41- 62). Median age at presentation was 3.75 yrs (IQR 1.68- 15.5), with a bimodal peak at age 1 yr and again in the teen years (Fig 1). 42 (75%) patients were female. The most common causes of IDA were nutritional and heavy menstrual bleeding. 14 (24.6%) received packed red blood cell (PRBC) transfusion with or without parenteral iron (iron sucrose), and 11 (19.3%) were treated with parenteral iron alone. Almost all (55, 98.2%) were prescribed oral iron supplementation. The lower the presenting Hb, the more likely that transfusion or parenteral iron was used as initial therapy (Fig 2). 19 (33.9%) patients were admitted to hospital and 37 (66.1%) were discharged home from the ED. Nine recipients of parenteral iron alone had follow-up at CHEO, six had follow-up within 10 days with Hb increases of at least 20 g/L and all nine patients had follow-up by day 41 showing increases ranging from 20-97 g/L. Three recipients of parenteral iron alone had presenting Hb <30 g/L and by 9 days following ED encounter all three had increased their Hb by at least 20 (20-32) g/L. Three patients were discharged from ED after IV iron, and none presented to the ED again. Six recipients of PRBCs had follow up within 10 days showing Hb increase ranging from 33-62 g/L, only five had follow-up by day 41 showing increases of 42-79 g/L. Five patients received >1 transfusion, and transfused volumes ranged from 5-25 mL/kg. Minor infusion reactions occurred in 2 (17%) recipients of parenteral iron, and no patient was suspected to have anaphylaxis. Four (28.5%) patients experienced minor transfusion reactions to packed cells. One recipient of multiple PRBC transfusions had transfusion-associated cardiac overload (TACO) requiring ICU admission.

Conclusions: This study demonstrates that patients with severe IDA can be safely and effectively managed in the ED setting with parenteral iron therapy alone without PRBC transfusion. The use of parenteral iron avoids the potential short and long-term complications associated with transfusion, whilst ensuring rapid restoration of iron stores without the tolerability issues associated with oral iron.


No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

OffLabel Disclosure:

IV iron sucrose is indicated for treatment of iron deficiency in patients 2 and older with CKD. The use of it outside of this context would be considered off label.

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